O Lord. As I start my day, let me remember that every breath I take is a precious gift from you to me. Help me realize the eternal power that today again, after millions of years, the sun is shining warm and bright, birds are chirping as usual and people are going about the world as they should. It is your order in things around that is making the world happen. Help me realize the subtle and powerful order of things, without getting affected.
Please help me realize that I have my limbs in order and my family around me that is caring and sharing the joys and pains with me. Please help me to realize that the pains my parents took to bring me up and save from the vices of the world till I became an adult. Help me to remember them and pray for unity, wellbeing and spiritual calm in all those who have touched my life so far.
As I begin my day and get busy with the chores, I am sure to overlook a few things, hurt a few tiny living organisms, insects or animals. Please help me protect them and let them live as much as I can. During the course of the day, I tend to get angry at the very people who are around me, who work with me, who play with me, who provide me warmth, knowledge and sustenance. O lord, let me step back and pause for a while before reacting instantly in all such situations. Please help me to go around cheerfully amongst my co-workers, friends, family and all the incidental interactions that take place during the day.
Help me understand that to have a work to do is a great bliss. Help me realize the bliss of having a work that I chose for myself and I am doing it with joy and passion. Let this work become my prayer to you as the day passes.
I know that life is not so linear. As I go about zestfully doing my duty, I may come across sudden information or things that are not so pleasant. I may encounter events that are really not pleasant. Please give me strength to face them stoically. Please help me remember that universe is unfolding as it should and help me preserve my internal calm.
Help me to be aware and caring. Help me to be present in the current, rather than worrying about things that have not yet taken place. Please help me remember all the small acts of kindness towards me and be grateful. Please help me to treat all the people with respect and humility. When I am out in a situation to judge, let me be just and gentle; not biased, indecisive or cruel.
O Lord. As the day progresses, help me remember my dreams and passionately strive towards them. It is going to be a long journey. Let me strive to make best of every moment that I am living without being fretful or bitter. As things unfold, I know that all the efforts I put, are adding to some greater goal. I am your tiny soldier, a tiny speck of life in this universe with millions of planets, stars, galaxies and probably more universe than my mind can even think of. Please be benign and kind to this speck of life in your vast plan of things. May I lead my day, as to the end of it, I should say, I added some more spark in your ever radiating flame of life.
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